
Friday, April 19, 2024


“One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few.” ―Anne Morrow Lindbergh

This Blythe doll is Suri Sustainable, posing for the theme “Nineteen” in the Blythe a Day group on Flickr. Yes, there are exactly nineteen seashells in this picture, although those in the chair are hard to count.

Thursday, April 18, 2024


“Welcome to my happy place—number 18 Pleasant View Road!”

This Blythe doll is Zoe and her Pet Fish, posing for the theme “eighteen” in the Blythe a Day group on Flickr.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


“Finally, I have enough pillows!” Seventeen, to be exact.

This Blythe doll is Simply Sparkly Spark, posing for the theme “Seventeen” in the Blythe a Day group on Flickr. All the pretty pillows (except the one under her head) were made by my talented friend Angie; she made the beautiful quilt too. You can see more of her work on her Facebook page “Goodnight, Sweet Blythe”. The background is a jigsaw puzzle.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 How many items does Mango have crammed into her purse?

1. Spatula
2. Wubba Chikin 
3. Potato Chips
4. Carrot
5. Bottle of Milk
6. Spool of Thread
7. Shoe
8. Sandwich
9. Strawberry
10. Macaron
11. Flower
12. Rabbit
13. Bracelet
14. Spare Purse
15. Magazine
16. Nail Polish

This Blythe doll is Simply Mango, posing for the theme “Sixteen” in the Blythe a Day group on Flickr.

Monday, April 15, 2024


Happy Quinceanera, dear Anna!

This doll is Blythe Adores Anna Sui, wearing Aurella Amphitrite’s stock dress. This is for the theme “Fifteen” in the Blythe a Day group on Flickr.

Sunday, April 14, 2024


Channel 14 has signed off for the night…along with every other channel. That’s okay with Brenda. She would rather read than watch TV anyway.

This Blythe doll is Brenda’s Extraordinary Day, posing for the theme “Fourteen” in the Blythe a Day group on Flickr. The background is a jigsaw puzzle I got for my birthday (thanks, Angie!)

Saturday, April 13, 2024


“Welcome to Daphne’s Donuts! When you buy twelve donuts, you get a thirteenth one free! Come and get your baker’s dozen!

This Blythe doll is Candy Carnival, posing for the theme “Thirteen” in the Blythe a Day group on Flickr. The background is a jigsaw puzzle I recently completed.